Sales Presentation Design
Posts collected to help you design effective sales presentations that offer visual support to a carefully considered script | from our blog
Delivering memorable presentations requires more than a well-designed PowerPoint deck. Although visual-led presentation design is undoubtedly important (nobody is advocating bullet-point lists here) graphics alone do not tackle the deep-rooted problem that most poor sales presentations face. What is the presentation sales message? Only when you have a clear, comprehendible answer to this question can you begin to consider the matter of presentation design.
This collection of posts illustrates how the design and delivery of memorable sales presentations lies in the ability of the presenter to pull off a truly integrated performance. That is, when the presentation slides offer seamless graphic support to a benefits driven script...
Are You Interested in Better Sales Presentation Design?
Our free advice library offers useful presentation tips in a variety of key areas with a range of unique documents available to download. PowerPoint SmartArt, the Expert Guide, introduces the idea of using a basic presentation design tool to maximise audience engagement. SmartArt is an efficient, easy-to-use system for creating impressive diagrams with concise text. Used in PowerPoint, it can offer the perfect graphic support to drive your script and bring an element of synchronicity to your overall presentation message.
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All presenters know that good presentation eye contact is important for an engaged audience. This vital connection can give the presenter immediate feedback from the audience; are they listening, excited, interested or bored. With good presentation preparation you will be able to avoid a bored audience, deliver an engaging presentation and be prepared to close that important sale.
This principle says that redundant information interferes with learning and material being retained in long term memory. Giving people more information, does not necessarily increase their ability to remember the key learning points.