Dell EMC | Client Case Study
Better presentation skills help technical consultants add more value to clients' businesses
Dell EMC is a major provider of digital infrastructure to the many of the world’s leading companies. It is the world’s largest privately owned technology company and is a technology leader in 20 Gartner Magic Quadrants.
Sales representatives working in the UK consulting arm of Dell EMC wanted more technical assistance to help them close more business. The business leaders decided to focus on improving the presentation skills of their younger IT consultants. The intent was to improve their overall skill levels and give their careers a boost, in addition to providing their sales colleagues with the addition help they sought.
“It will change the way you work – paradigm shift in your mind in a very practical way”
Active Presence ran several two-day presenting skills workshops. Each workshop had a maximum of 10 delegates. The workshops were run by Chris Davidson who worked in IT for more than 20 years, prior to establishing Active Presence. Using his IT experience, Chris was able to communicate with the young consultants in their familiar ‘geek-speak’ and help them isolate the important points and focus on creating simple messages.
All the delegates spent a lot of time on stage, presenting to their colleagues and being simultaneously coached by Chris. All these performances were recorded to video and following the workshop were edited and uploaded to the Active Presence learning management system. This meant that delegates could focus on the coaching experience and not worry about making notes at the same time. It also meant that they had a record of the experience they could view from their desk, if they needed a reminder of key learning points.
The workshop covered key presentation creation techniques in addition to stage craft and delivery skills.
The consulting division boosted its revenues with the additional pre-sales help of newly trained consultants.
The programme was considered so successful it was repeated a total of four times.
Many of the consultants remain close followers of Active Presence social media and blog posts.