Public Speaking
A collection of posts about public speaking designed to help you deliver memorable performances when speaking for business | from our blog
Sales presentations are performances. If you are speaking for business before an audience, you must be able to speak publicly, confidently and convincingly. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? And yet, how many business presentations have you attended where you couldn’t hear or understand the speaker? Many business presenters worry about public speaking. If you feel nervous, apprehensive and uncomfortable about presenting your case to an audience big or small, you are not alone. There are, however, a number of key areas you can work on.
In this collection of posts, you’ll discover how to tackle public speaking anxiety, allowing you to deliver more engaging and memorable performances when speaking for business...
Could Your Business Benefit From More Effective Meeting Facilitation?
Our free advice library offers useful presentation tips in a variety of key areas with a range of unique documents available to download. How to Speak Well in Public, the Expert Guide, will help you to control your nerves and allow you to deliver more natural, personable public speaking performances. Fear of public speaking is incredibly common amongst presenters speaking for business. After all, being an expert in a specific field of study often requires a skillset completely separate to that of performing before an audience. However, creating a planning process for high impact sales presentations can help to enhance your reputation for excellence and authority within your business field.
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All presenters know that good presentation eye contact is important for an engaged audience. This vital connection can give the presenter immediate feedback from the audience; are they listening, excited, interested or bored. With good presentation preparation you will be able to avoid a bored audience, deliver an engaging presentation and be prepared to close that important sale.
A survey of 4,000 professionals revealed that the top two challenges in delivering presentations were: 1) Keeping an audience engaged, 2) Being memorable and having a clear message. This blog post gives a summary of all the results.