INFOGRAPHIC: 5 Tips on Better Brainstorming

As we discussed last week, brainstorming is one of the most widely used facilitation tools. It is a creativity technique that everyone seems to use on a frequent basis.

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In this infographic, we suggest 5 simple tips for better brainstorming. See if your business meetings can improve…

1. Don’t Judge

If all judgement is suspended, the good ideas are more likely to flow. You never know where ideas will come from, so the key is to make everyone feel comfortable enough to speak out, even if their ideas are unusual

TIP Welcome unusual ideas

2. Think Outside the Box

Unusual ideas can be generated by suspending assumptions and thinking outside of the box. These new ideas may lead to better solutions

TIP Let your thoughts fly free

3. Build on the Ideas of Others

Ideas should be combined to form a single better idea. A process of association stimulates good ideas. Participants should focus on extending or adding to ideas, reserving any criticism for a later stage

TIP Combine and improve

4. Stay Focused

Brainstorming should address a specific question. The clearer the question, the easier it will be for group members to focus and suggest relevant ideas

TIP Keep the discussion on target

5. More, More, More

The more ideas generated, the better. This tip is based on the assumption that quantity breeds quality. If more ideas are put forward, the chance of coming up with a workable solution should increase.

TIP Focus on quantity 

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